
It’s the Logos not the Word

Close-up of an open page of the Bible.

The comment below came across my Twitter and it struck me… but, not in a good way. “The Holy Spirit does not use movies. He uses whatever Scripture is in those movies. The film, itself, …

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Should Christians celebrate Thanksgiving?

Turkey, mashed potatoes, dressing and rolls are shown on a table.

We’ve officially arrived at that time of the year when social media feeds are filled with well-intentioned posts of thankfulness. This is a welcomed reprieve from the numerous protest memes from evangelicals about the evils …

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When the hunt becomes too easy

A caveman family, positioned just outside a cave, with father holding a spear is depicted in this painterly image.

I am not incredibly nostalgic for the turn of the century, but there is one thing I miss about it. Sure, the late 90s and early 2000s weren’t perfect — we saw the rise of …

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Our Savior is not a slasher

Israel's flag is shown waving in the wind with the corner of a high-rise building as a backdrop.

Every year at this time, my social media feeds and television channels become flooded with Halloween-themed content. But given the real-world horrors unfolding globally, it’s challenging to find anything imaginary truly frightening by comparison. Interestingly, …

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Insiders until they’re not

A simple line cartoon shows an ex-vangelical person chained at the ankle to a huge ball labeled evangelical.

Martin Luther stood in peril of his earthly life and possibly his eternal soul. The energetic Wittenberg firebrand challenged more than he realized when he issued debating points to the popular indulgence seller Johann Tetzel. …

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