

I had an interesting experience a few years back. A message was sent to me on social media from a family member asking me, “Why do you hate evangelicals?” I

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I’ve been thinking about issues of music and contemporary worship in church for years. I’m not a musician. I did play the piano and clarinet as a child but neither

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Biden has dropped out of the presidential election contest and endorsed Vice President Harris. If Speaker Johnson’s previous statements are to be believed, the GOP will likely challenge this move

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I first wrote this as a long rambling Facebook status. After someone shared it, I decided that I should make it into a short post. I think with the elevated

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I was eight years old when Ronald Reagan was shot. I have only a vague memory of it. Despite attending a Southern Baptist Church, my family were not Reagan fans.

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Like many Americans, I watched the June 27th Presidential debate in horror. It was difficult to watch the repeated lies of Donald Trump and the general impotence of Joe Biden.

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I really should cut the Facebook habit. But there have been times in the last couple of years when Facebook was my link to sanity, my link to people who

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I think everyone on Facebook has a few grammar nerds who regularly post about things like the Oxford Comma or rant about the improper use of the word “literally.” While

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It is a statistical fact that conspiracy theories engage more followers and see further reach in times when people feel helpless and out of control. This article does not attempt

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My dad passed away about six weeks ago. My mother passed away almost 14 years ago. Our family home was sold last year. I find myself feeling unmoored in a

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“Church has to be run like a business.” I said the above statement about five years ago, affirming the institutional model of a large church in my area. There was

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