
I’m an Evangelical Democrat, and I’m coming out… Politically Speaking

I am a Democrat.

Even more…by most metrics, I’m a progressive or liberal Democrat. There, I said it.


My Facebook friends won’t be surprised by this. I haven’t hidden my political orientation, but I’ve also never really publicly proclaimed it. Something is pressure-inducing about the prospect, especially as one who works in evangelical circles. Anyone who watches politics in the United States knows that evangelical and Republican are almost synonymous. That makes it all the stranger when you are an evangelical and not a Republican. Christian Democrats are an oddity to many, and an evangelical Democrat seems an oxymoron.

I remember visiting a friend’s house for Thanksgiving during my first year teaching at a Southern Baptist college. One of the theology professors said something derogatory about Democrats. My wife and I looked at each other and then told him we were Democrats. One of the funniest things ever was to watch him back peddle. To be fair, he is a good guy and we became friends. It is just that within evangelical circles, one is assumed to be a Republican. The Religious Right is a given to American politics, American society, American Christians, and the American Church.

My Liberal History

If evangelicals are Republicans, or so it is assumed, how did I end up as an evangelical Democrat? Part of the answer is that I come from Democratic stock. My father, Cruz Reynoso , was an important figure in the Chicano Civil Rights movement and a strong advocate for social justice and racial reconciliation. He was the first Hispanic on the California Supreme Court, Vice-Chair of the US Civil Rights Commission, received the Presidential Medal of Freedom from President Clinton, and was part of the transition team for Barack Obama. To an extent, political involvement and engagement with social issues were a part of my upbringing. A friend reminded me a couple of years ago that during the 1984 presidential election campaign, when I was in 5th grade, I organized a recess dodgeball game between Walter Mondale supporters and Ronald Reagan supporters. I know… really nerdy for an eleven-year-old!

My Conservative History

The political side, though, is only one part of the story. My religious tradition comes from my mother, who was a Baptist from the Appalachian hills of east Tennessee. I was raised in a conservative, rural Southern Baptist church. I’ve spent most of my life in Southern Baptist Churches. When I lived in NYC, I even was a member and taught the youth at an Independent Fundamental Baptist Church. The religious people in my life are largely conservative Christians and Republican voters. So, it isn’t that I only had exposure to the liberal Democratic worldview. I am very familiar with the conservative perspective, and I love many people who hold that perspective. Among my siblings, we have all maintained Democratic affiliation. I think out of respect for my father. But my siblings do comment that the Democratic party does not represent their views, and they call themselves a “Conservative Democrat” or an “old-fashioned Democrat” and vote conservatively. Several even voted for former President Donald Trump.

Democratic Conviction by Reflection

I have landed where I am politically, not by default from my upbringing or despite my religious identity. I have arrived here because of my faith. In the conservative evangelical circles where I have spent my life, Democrat is a seldom-heard word, at least as anything other than an insult. Liberal is darn near a curse word. One of the most derogatory things a conservative evangelical can say about someone is to call them a liberal. Very little attention is paid to distinctions between theological and political liberalism. For many, the assumption is the two go hand in hand. They believe that if there are religious Democrats, they must be liberal mainline protestants who have abandoned the heart of the gospel and embraced all aspects of the social gospel. Of course, many Black protestants and nonwhite evangelicals are Democrats interested in economic justice and other political issues, but that receives a handwave.

For me, theological and political liberalism are quite different. In the essay “Am I a Liberal?“, I address my theological convictions and leave it for the reader to judge, though I believe it is clear that I am not a theological liberal. My political convictions are an outgrowth of my faith, even if the two don’t seem to go together to some white evangelical Christians. They are a commitment to the biblical concepts of shalom and justice, which I believe any bible-believing Christian should embrace.

How can this be!?

I know this will leave some born-again Christians with questions. How can you be a Christian and a Democrat? What about this issue or that issue? In the future, I hope to write essays answering those questions. I had someone on Facebook send me a message which included:

I grew up in a typical republican southern baptist democrat demeaning family. And I’ve not spoken with many evangelical democrats. So I’m curious about what exactly are your democratic views.

This post is the beginning of the process of answering that question. But he isn’t the only person. I’ve had people ask me about specific issues. For example, how could I support progressive candidates like Bernie Sanders (or anyone on the left side of the political spectrum) considering his stance on abortion rights? For some, it is the bearded woman syndrome, and they just want to look at what, to them, is strange and bizarre. I think most, though, genuinely want to understand how Liberal Democratic politics is at all consistent with my religious beliefs.

When I first started this website, I wrote in the About section:

Honestly, as an artist and art historian it is a bit nerve-racking to put my faith “out there” for the public to see. Religion and contemporary art have a very uncomfortable relationship, sometimes with good reason (from both sides). Finally though, I conceded that transparency is one of my core values and as such this blog seeks to be transparent.

Something very similar can be said about evangelicalism and the Democratic party. They have a very uncomfortable relationship, but transparency, one could say authenticity or vulnerability, is a core value of mine. This is what I am. This is what I believe. And I will, in future essays, try to explain why I believe the way I do. For some, I am a curiosity, for some an embarrassment, for some a danger. But for others, maybe I can be a light who has questions, seeks answers, and follows where those answers lead, even if it is not within the traditional evangelical package.

Seek Truth

The friend who reminded me about my politically-themed dodgeball game is now an atheist. He was raised in a church, but when he reflected on his faith, it could not hold to the scrutiny. Once, he commented to me that “unreflected faith is not a virtue.” He is right. Blindly following a religion without questioning or internalizing is not a virtue. I’m not even sure it is faith. Many have the veneer of faithfulness, yet when they scratch it, they find that there is no faith underneath. The church, too often, encourages people not to scratch. Then, they never have to confront the vacuum in their souls. They are whitewashed but don’t know what is beneath. That isn’t a virtue. Scratch. Scratch hard. Test your faith and challenge your assumptions. If you end up a Democrat or even a Republican, it is okay. The Kingdom of God is not tied to political parties. 

A reflective faith is a virtue even if it doesn’t look exactly like your parents’ or your pastor’s or your friend’s or even if it does.

As a final note, I’m a Liberal Democrat. But neither the Democratic Party nor the progressive “agenda” own God. Neither does the Republican party or Conservatism. Each of them is correct only so far as they reflect the heart of God. I know good, faithful people who are conservative Republicans. Reasonable people can come to different conclusions.

This essay is from our Anastasis Series, where we resurrect articles from the past that are either still relevant today or can be easily updated. It was first published on October 7, 2015, and has been lightly edited and updated.


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  • Russ Skains says:

    This should be interesting. I’m not sure that I know anyone like you.

    I do not recall the retired Greek professor’s, who was Russian who preceded and was friends with Dr. Nick, name but he had a profound political influence with me.

    I went to Harlow’s one day to catch some donuts and he was there. It must have been an election year because we began to discuss politics. I was a registered Democrat at this time which was the custom in Louisiana. One had to be Democrat to vote on important matters during this time frame.

    I wasn’t planning on voting for the Democratic platform. He told me that if I voted Republican and then I said that I was a Democrat and I am a good Democrat…then I am a liar.

    I didn’t immediately switch parties however his words haunted me. And eventually I did switch parties.

    I never had a class under him but he did have considerable political influence with me based on eating a donut.

    • Thanks Russ. I hope you enjoy the posts on this issue.

      I also agree, I have always thought there is something wrong about staying with a party if you consistently don’t identify with it.

  • Judith Monroe says:

    You know we are pretty much birds of a feather, but I am registered Independent. Looking forward to hearing your views.

  • Judith Monroe says:

    Oh yeah, and I got to where I am not because I was raised that way, but because I scratched. :)

  • Joyce Kaminski says:

    Thank you for your article. I know I am a Christian and thought I was an evangelical but I could never be a Republican. I felt very alone and alienated from most of my brothers and sisters in Christ who seem to feel the Republican Party is the Christian party. So happy that Christians like you are speaking out.

    • Joyce, I am glad I am able to be an encouragement. There are more Christian democrats than we realize but we certainly are a minority.

  • Gini George says:

    Thank You for giving words to my thoughts. I’m an liberal independent (registered as a democrat for Bernie) I had a friend condemn me and question my Christianity when he found out that I was a liberal. I’m a born-again believer that encourages people to be GOD’s hands and feet. The republicans praise HIM with their mouths but their actions are far from being Christ like. I thank you for being GOD’s hands and feet.

  • Julie Larsen says:

    Thank you Rondall for being able to so eloquently express so many of my very own life experiences. I too am a born-again, true blue liberal christian democrat, with the added bonus of being a “celibate” lesbian. (Love the sinner hate the sin)!!!
    Most awful for me is the many hurtful conversations I’ve had to endure with my well-intentioned but sadly hypocritical parents, whom I love dearly, but may have already drank too much Fox News Cool-aid.

    • Julie, Thank you for the kind words. The challenges of family who hold political views that we find at odds with our faith is a very real struggle that I know all too well.

  • Sir, thank you for your candor. I am a bit perplexed as to why to the apologetic tone you use, as if you have to apologize for your evangelizing. I thought that every Christian was to spread the word so the world may know their options and choose (or not choose) that Jesus is Messiah. I would like an honest answer: what causes the Christian Democrats to be a minority? Doesn’t that same something about religiosity and morality about Democrats? While I am a conservative Christian, i am definitely not a Republican, and haven’t been for 25 years. It is wonderful when a person finds salvation in Christ, right or left, and the labels, to be honest, baffle me. Thank you for your faith to the Lord, and not being afraid of man-made peer pressure. There is only one peer that matters, and that is the Father.

    • Thank you for your comment. I was not meaning to be apologetic. Part of my point is simply that a simgle party does not own God. I have good faithful friends who are Republican. I have good faithful friends who are Democrats. I also know hateful people in both parties. I think the reason that Christian Democrats are such a minority right now is because the Republicans were able to co-opt the issue of abortion. Many Christians became single issue voters which actually discouraged the Republican establishment from atually doing anything about abortion. But, with time Republicanim became a part of the evangelical sub-culture and today we see that many are not able to distinguish between the two.

  • Jane Peters says:

    A lot of African Americans are very religious and vote democrat too. Maybe because the democrats were the party that helped give them civil rights.

  • As a Christian evangelical Southern Baptist minister and journalist, and a lifelong Democrat, I can share one thing that I have learned over the years: Jesus ate with the publicans, not the Republicans! I enjoyed this essay.

    • Thanks for the comment. I’m glad you enjoyed the essay. Always nice to hear from other evangelical Democrats!

  • I was raised Republican and Evangelical, and though I remember a short time when Christianity wasn’t all about politics, the two have become more and more intertwined. As an adult, I have slowly asked questions that had been there as a teen, the questions that no one seemed to want to answer with anything but a dismissive, “the issue is ABORTION.” I am no longer a Republican, but I don’t feel comfortable “joining” any party.

    Right now, my husband and I are “Democrat” because voting in the Democratic primary (which we could do as unaffiliated voters in our state) automatically signed us up as Democrats. We have to go and officially unaffiliate ourselves again. We received backlash about that online from another Christian who somehow was able to get this information.

    We spoke out against Trump and lost many friends. My husband is a pastor. We have watched as his peers in our area have increasingly intertwined the faith with politics in a “Conservative” direction (We completely agree with you that there is a difference between theological and political conservativism/liberalism, though sadly many Evangelicals have linked them together.) Being anything but Republican in the Evangelical world is very isolating.

    Sadly, this is resulting in a disillusionment with the Church, especially among young people. My own college-aged kids are not immune. It is hard to find a place to worship that is theologically conservative and NOT broadly Republican among the congregants.

    • Thank you for your thoughtful reply. I think it is always encouraging to others to read comments like this and find out they are not alone.

  • Thanks, Rondell. As for me, Richard Nixon made me a Democrat back in 1972. Am I a liberal? Of course I’m a liberal! I’m a Christian—and Jesus instructed me to welcome the stranger and care for “the least of these.” Neither party perfectly embodies those principles, of course, but the Democratic Party, especially in recent years, has come a lot closer than the Republican Party.

  • Bob Carlberg says:

    I appreciate the candor and transparency. In the same interest of transparency, I must say that your essay leaves me wondering what it is, besides association and family tradition, that leads an Evangelical to identify with the Democratic Party. Each time I scratch the Democratic Party, I find it less in congruence with the teachings of Christ. Issue after issue they seem to alienate me and drive a wedge between my faith and politics. As a Christian, I find it imperative to follow Christ even if that means forsaking my family, traditions, and friends. At times that may mean leaving a political Party as well. Democrat, or Republican. Perhaps you can share more about what you find in the Democratic Party that endears you to it and how one can be Evangelical and support the current Democratic platform, or, what it is that makes you love Republicans as people, but hate the Republican Party.

    • Bob, thank you for the response. I would say that I lean more democratic because of my faith not because of family history. Though, I do think that family history allowed me not to have certain preconceptions. No party is perfect, and there certainly are things about the Democratic Party that bother me. I would argue that I find in the democratic party ideas that are more consonant with Christ’s teachings than I find in the Republican Party. I wrote about it some here: https://www.faithonview.com/a-christian-democrat-heres-why/

      I do hope at some point to dive into these issues more thoroughly. Maybe you can help me by suggesting a few areas that make you lean more Republican? Hopefully, I will be able to address those issues in future essays.

      • Bob Carlberg says:


        Thank you for your response. I agree no party is perfect. You seem to assume I lean to the Republican Party, but I never said that. I identify with Christ, not a political party. I merely find the teachings of Christ to be incongruent with the Democratic Party more so than that of the Republican party. Here is just one example. Christ advocated that the Church be the source of benevolence for the poor, widowed and orphaned. Christ said that if a man asks for your shirt, give him your jacket as well. He did not however endorse robbing your neighbor because your neighbor was wealthier or more “privileged”. IMHO many people who vote for Democrats are well intended folks who have great empathy for the poor, but are very misled in the biblical way to help them. Christ did not give the disciples a free fish dinner, he told them how to fish. (Cast your net on the other side) Institutionalizing poverty and placing it under the auspices of governmental agencies is neither Christ like, nor logical if you are compassionate in deed as much as you are in word. Dividing Americans by race, gender, and socioeconomic class seems to be the go-to of today’s Democratic Party. Spending other people’s money and taking out loans on the back of future generations for social programs will never solve the issue of poverty.

        If the church would arise and answer its call to be light in the darkness, rather than seeking to blend in with the status quo, then the widows, orphans, and impoverished would not only be well cared for and fed, we could eliminate a vast amount of government and burdensome taxes and channel that towards true charity and love for our fellow man. I was deeply offended by Hillary Clinton’s quip about us being a basket of deplorables, clinging to our guns and Bibles. That did not sound anything like Christ or Christianity to me. I could never support a candidate that expressed such disdain for those they wished to represent, and she is just one glaring example that comes to mind.

  • Mary Morgan says:

    I appreciate the fact that Rondall is a Christian and a Democrat like me. Thank you for making sense out of the controversy that Democrats can’t be Christians. God doesn’t take sides on American politics.

  • G. Blakney says:

    Your point that neither party can own God but each person can reflect the heart of God is definitely where my faith is rooted. My faith never lines up with a “one size fits all” party. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

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