
Why I Hate Evangelicals

I had an interesting experience a few years back. A message was sent to me on social media from a family member asking me, “Why do you hate evangelicals?” I Am Evangelical If you follow …

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Considering the Idea of a Biblical Worldview

Earth from space

The concept of a Christian worldview is fundamentally simple, but its implications are profound. There are a modest number of foundational assumptions necessary to view the world from a Christian perspective. Beyond that the task …

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What is Evolution?

The illustration of the evolution of man is shown.

The theory of evolution made popular by the naturalist, Charles Darwin, emerged in the 19th century. Erasmus Darwin, Charles’ grandfather was also a naturalist and inchoately conceived of the theory as early as the 18th …

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What is a Christian?

Christian icon of Jesus Christ

In short, Christians worship and follow Jesus Christ of Nazareth because they believe Jesus to be God, Lord, and Savior. Christians adhere to the monotheistic religion known as Christianity, founded by and based on the …

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Why I’m not tempted to apostate

A glass dessert cup sits on a square of burlap and is filled with vanilla and chocolate pudding and topped with blueberries and raspberries.

I hope this title is appreciated, and that the article is appreciated at least half as much as the title. I enjoy approaching serious subjects with a casual, Kermit the Frog tea sip before I …

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