
Faith on View Resources

Faith on View seeks to provide meaningful resources for our readers. Currently, we offer an extensive list of Art & Faith Resources, the most complete Christian college rankings available, Art & Faith tours, Speaking, The Questions Project, and the beginnings of an unique Biblical commentary. 

The Faith on View Christian College Rankings are the oldest, most extensive Christian College and University Rankings. 

Questions Project

Many neglect the diverse perspectives and complex history of Christian ideas. The Questions Project honors the diversity and complexity of Christian thought. 

One of Faith on View's most popular resources is our extensive list of Art and Faith resources.  Explore to find artists, articles, books, organizations and more.

Bible verses

The profound wisdom of the Bible, its teachings on faith, love, hope, and navigating life's challenges explored through verses by topic.


Discover insightful quotes at the intersection of art, Christianity, and politics, offering perspectives that enlighten and challenge.

Throughout history, humanity has used art to honor God, the original artist. Many of art history's greatest masterpieces are such works. We visit them.

Speaking on art & faith

Rondall Reynoso speaks nationally on art and religion. He can work with your church or organization to develop a program that would be appropriate for your needs. 

This is an ongoing Biblical Commentary project. This unique project provides Rondall's reflections on scripture with the opportunity for readers to interact.
