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Houses of worship being turned into affordable housing

A housing non-profit has launched a new faith-based initiative working with churches to change their underutilized and vacant buildings and land into affordable housing.

After receiving an $8.5 million dollar grant from the Wells Fargo Foundation, Enterprise Community Partners  is poised to build 6,000 affordable homes by partnering with various houses of worship.

AP News Reports :

A nonprofit is announcing a new initiative to help churches, synagogues and other places of worship turn their unused space into affordable housing.


The effort was launched Wednesday at Atlanta First United Methodist Church, where Enterprise Community Partners announced $8.5 million in grants from the Wells Fargo Foundation.


The money is aimed at converting underutilized land into affordable homes and community facilities.


Nationwide, faith-based organizations own tens of thousands of acres of underutilized and vacant land, organizers said.


“As community anchors, houses of worship are at the center of so many lives and working together, we can bring a whole new level of innovation to the housing supply challenge,” said Eileen Fitzgerald, Wells Fargo’s head of housing affordability philanthropy.

Read the full article here.

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