
Kim Davis Christian Martyr and Hero?

Mug shot of Kim Davis.

Kim Davis is the Christian hero of the day. If you are one of the few people who hasn’t followed the story (I just found out my college-aged daughter is one who hasn’t), Mrs. Davis …

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Southern Baptist Colleges Top Accrediting Agency’s Naughty List

Log for the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools

southern-associationThe Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) just voted to place four institutions on probation and to end the accreditation of another institution. Inside Higher Ed focused primarily on two Southern Baptist colleges in their story about this decision: Brewton-Parker College in Mount Vernon, Georgia and Louisiana College in Pineville, Louisiana. These two Southern Baptist institutions face the most serious issues. SACS has chosen to rescind Brewton-Parker’s accreditation, a decision that places the financial viability of the school in doubt, and Louisiana College (LC) has been placed on probation only six months after being removed from “Warning” status.

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