
Why Jesus movies suck

a man with a beard and longer hair wearing a white tunic extends his hand with a hole in the palm toward the viewer

So why is it so hard to make a good Jesus movie? After all, the story of Jesus is the greatest story ever told. Why is it so hard to make a good story out …

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What Has Jesus to do with John Wayne?

Title: Jesus and John Wayne: How White Evangelicals Corrupted A Faith and Fractured A Nation Author: Kristin Kobes Du Mez Publisher: Liveright Kristin Kobes Du Mez’s Jesus and John Wayne: How White Evangelicals Corrupted A …

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Reflecting on Lollipop Christian Movie Plots

neatly spilt movie popcorn

  The un-profound Christian Movie This is a subject I have thought about many times over the years. Sometimes, it will be because I just saw a sentimental Christian movie claiming profundity. Other times, it is …

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The Martian: An Alien Concept

Movie poster for The Martian

I made a mistake. I read the review of The Martian by my friend Collin Garbarino, “Politics and Religion in Ridley Scott’s The Martian.”  It is a good review and touches on some of the same …

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Sicario: A Dystopian Now

Sicario movie poster

Spoilers to follow… At the very beginning of the movie, text tells the viewer that the word Sicario is spanish for assassin but has its roots in the Jewish Zealots who were fighting to expel the …

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Revisiting 2014…aka another top 10 list.

Rondall, Pamela, and the kids in a fall 2014 portrait

A little while back I had a fan of Faith on View message me on Facebook asking me to once again post regularly on Faith on View. Okay, truth be told it really was more of an internet friend teasing me for my failures. For those who follow this blog, they noticed that in September posts stopped fairly abruptly. What happened was that I had the wonderful opportunity to become a Senior Lecturer at California College of the Arts which is one of the top Art Schools in the nation. But, I had previously committed to teaching two classes at William Jessup University, an evangelical school in the Sacramento  area, and a class at the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, where I am pursuing my PhD. This meant that in addition to the Theological Aesthetics course I was auditing from the esteemed Frank Birch Brown, I was also now teaching five classes at three different institutions. All that to say I was really busy and I let my writing on Faith on View slip. The good news is that this semester my teaching is reduced and I am only teaching one course at GTU and one at CCA. This should translate into more regular writing from me. I have a lot of ideas so I am looking forward to having more time to get them on “paper.”

Rondall, Pamela, and the kids in a fall 2014 portrait taken by Nicole DiGiorgio of Sweetness and Light Photography
Rondall, Pamela, and the kids in a fall 2014. Portrait taken by Nicole DiGiorgio of Sweetness and Light Photography

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