
Where They Once Hunted the Mammoth

The fat water snake didnโ€™t know what to make of us. It had slithered down toward the river, probably seeking the same swimming hole where we were spending the afternoon. Maybe it wanted to catch …

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Yes Language Evolves, But…

Spine of a red dictionary with a pencil next to it.

I think everyone on Facebook has a few grammar nerds who regularly post about things like the Oxford Comma or rant about the improper use of the word “literally.” While I’m not aggressive about these …

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A Father’s and Mother’s Legacy

A US flag at half mast over the CA capitol in Sacramento.

My dad passed away about six weeks ago. My mother passed away almost 14 years ago. Our family home was sold last year. I find myself feeling unmoored in a way I have never felt …

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My tribute to Dad

There was a tremendous outpouring of support after my father passed away on May 7th. I want to thank you all. We buried Dad next to Mom on Friday, May 14th. It was a private …

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My testimony…hope story…why I believe

Rondall Reynoso is shown in an Eucalyptus grove, leaning on a deadfall, on the property on which he was raised.

If you have spent any time in the evangelical church, you have heard people talk about sharing their Christian testimony. If you donโ€™t know what that means, a personโ€™s testimony is basically their story of …

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They promised us a meteor shower

-For S. They had promised us a meteor shower, but all we saw were lightning bugs. Down the street, you could hear the lowing and occasional roars of livestock, the bulls and broncos that had …

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