
A Faith of My Own

Two sets of hands are palm up with a jewel in the air between them.

A few years ago, the NBC TV show The Office was all the rage. Despite it seeming like everyone I knew was watching it, I couldnโ€™t. It wasnโ€™t that I wasnโ€™t invited to the watch …

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Beloved Child of God

Two Caucasian adult hands, one in the other, with a baby's hand in them.

The first time that I actually saw my father drunk, I was still a very young child. What I knew of my father was a genuinely funny, affable, playful man who was always up for …

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Remolding Idols of Clay

I grew up in a Southern Baptist world filled with sacred tunes of both the vintage and contemporary variety. Ironically, the tune that has framed my spiritual experience more than any other stemmed not from …

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This is My Creed: Christ With Me

Driskill Mountain in Louisiana

On the Louisiana College campus, thereโ€™s a carillon at the top of the central historic building that plays awful bell arrangements of traditional evangelical hymns at certain times during the day. When I was a …

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My Testimony…Hope Story…Why I Believe

Rondall Reynoso is shown in an Eucalyptus grove, leaning on a deadfall, on the property on which he was raised.

If you have spent any time in the evangelical church, you have heard people talk about sharing their Christian testimony. If you donโ€™t know what that means, a personโ€™s testimony is basically their story of …

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